The weeks leading into this 100mile race were full of ups and downs from feeling totally ready and excited to nervous, stressed and anxious. My Coach Brendan Davies had to set me back on the right track many times and it was only a week before the race that all of a sudden I felt totally at ease and the nerves disappeared. I had my gear and nutrition sorted and I was ready to hit the trails knowing it was going to be a very long day and night out in the bush. I was lucky to have such an amazing crew with Nathan, Nicole, Mick and Matt I was confident that they would get me through this epic race.
Nathan, Nicole and I drove down early Friday morning, a 7 hours drive to the Glasshouse Mountains gave us just enough time to check in at "Crookneck Retreat" and got some last minute groceries before registration. We all went to bed at around 8pm and to my surprise I fell asleep and did not wake up until 4am when the alarm went off. Even then I felt good about the run, not nervous, just excited to get out and start this adventure.
It was a 6am start with 38 starters and only 4 females. As usual I started at the back and I was happy staying there. I was positive that I was going to finish this run no matter how long it would take me, I would run my own race, at my pace. Walk the hills and run the downs and flats for as much as I could. Everyone was buzzing and chatting about anything and everything, already discussing what race we would run after this one, so that first loop went by with in no time.
The second section started with a nice climb up Mt Beerburrum. It's only a couple of k's but has an average of over 25% incline. After that we disappeared back onto the trail on our way to the next checkpoint.
At that time I was running about 32nd overall and 3rd female, feeling pretty relaxed and happy. A couple more checkpoints went by and we covered some easy roads but also some technical trails including the Goat Track which is pretty tricky. Nathan and Nicole made sure that every time I left the checkpoints I was all topped with fluids, gels and something to snack on.
We had been very lucky with the weather as it was overcast most of the morning, and coming from a hot and humid Rockhampton this temperature was perfect. In the afternoon the sun started to come out and it warmed up especially in some sections where there wasn't a lot of shade. I was going through a lot of water and electrolytes in the afternoon and sometimes I had just enough to get me to the next checkpoint.
At around 60km I was ready for the 2 Bracalba loops, a nice easy downhill run for a few kilometers until you hit the bottom. After this the first loop just keeps going up and down very short steep hills which made even running down them difficult. After the big climb back out of the first loop I was in about 25th position and 2nd female. A quick re-fill and back down all the way to the bottom with a left turn this time. This loop was much easier and had some nice single trail which I really enjoyed. When I arrived for the 3rd time at this checkpoint Matt had joined the crew. There were a lot of runners at this checkpoint who had either pulled out or had a long break. We had covered about 80km by this stage.
My plan always was to not spend too much time at the checkpoints, so again my crew checked all my gear and handed me my night light as I would most likely not be able to get to the next checkpoint before dark. I had a great run in this section and got to the checkpoint before dark. I was running on schedule. When I got to the next checkpoint Matt was waiting for me and Nathan and Nicole decided to take a break as they would do the early morning shift. I headed back out and just around the corner this guy jumps up.... It's Mick... awesome great surprise! It was amazing how much renewed energy you get every time you meet up with your crew.
It was getting pretty dark by now and I knew that if I just kept going every step would get me closer to that finish line. Another couple of checkpoints went by with some easy running and some tricky trail including the "Powerline" track. At Checkpoint 8 we heard that the next 5km was going to be super tough "The Dungeons", Oh yes they were right!!! Sliding down the steep hills, it was a very technical section which took a lot longer than expected but I got through. I was first female at checkpoint 9 and about 15th overall. It was still dark going through the loop at Swains Lookout and back through "The Dungeons", I will never forget this section!!! My crew were onto me as I wasn't drinking or eating and they were worried that I started dehydrating. Although I was hungry I struggled to eat.
Not far to go now, we had covered about 150km and the sun was coming up. Only 15km to the finish and one more checkpoint. I was amazed at how good I was feeling although my feet were very sore and I was tired I could still run some short distances. I checked my watch and noticed that if I could keep it together I would make it in just under 26 hours. I put my mind to it and blocked out the pain and ran for the finish.... Yes we did it!!! 1st Female and 12th overall. I'm super happy :-)
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25 hours 58 minutes and 5 seconds
1st Female / 12th Overall
165 km
3,642 Elevation
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Matt, Mick, Me, Nathan & Nicole |
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Presentation |
I could not have done this without my amazing crew! Thank you so much for taking the time to help me get through this epic event. This was an adventure I will never forget!! I can't thank my crew enough and hopefully one day I can return the favour!
Thanks again Brendan for all your guidance, time and patience. I know I was not the easiest athlete to look after heading into this race. The training week in the Blue Mountains was very valuable and I can't wait to start planning for the next adventure!!
Also thanks everyone who sent messages before and during the race. I really appreciated your words of encouragement, the crew gave me updates during the race and they gave me a lot of motivation :-)
Strava Link:
Funny Facts
Calories burnt: 13,072
Step Count: 192,782
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